Socks? You ask what socks have to do with Golden Retrievers????? To my Casey they mean the world (reader beware… this aint pretty…):
Ever since a very young age, Casey has a thing for socks. Especially the itsy bitsy ones women/girls tend to wear. She thinks they are prime snack food. Yep! She eats them. Swallows them whole! Then, a few hours later, the hacking “blucheshwhemple” you here in the middle of the night is her tossing up the sock again … along with anything she ate after the fact.
We have been watching her pretty carefully for the last few years and she’s only gotten ahold of one or two in all that time. Yes we are desperately concerned about blockages. But so far so good.
Then there’s the great time when she doesn’t toss it up. I stumble across an intact sock in the middle of a pile of poop. Went completely through her system. This has the added benefit of a gift that keeps on giving because no amount of poop is going to dissuade her from gobbling it up again … and rinse…repeat… My only chance is to intercept it on the lawn by spying a sparkly butterfly patterned piece of cloth among the “chocolate pudding” and getting there before she does.
I live in Ohio. We do get snow. Come spring thaw, I can find a couple of these tidbits that eventually become exposed after the snow has melted a bit. Again, it’s a race to see who gets to them first.
I have size 13 shoes/socks. I am 6’5″ and have caught her trying to down one of mine before. So we live a little on the edge; trying to keep track of all our hosiery before they take a rather unappetizing trip down a canine’s gullet.
Just though you all might get a kick out of this as a story. Casey is fine. She knows what she’s doing. Now she just watches, longingly, as the socks come in and out of view as we do laundry, put them on, take them off, etc… But she knows there’s always a chance we might drop one…….